Color theory is a body of principles regarding the perception of color by the human eye and brain. The field of color theory includes the study of color harmony, which is the application of color combinations in design.
Color has been used in interior design since the beginning of time. Color can be used to create mood, setting, and ambiance in a space. It can also be used to highlight certain features, or to downplay others.
There are three primary colors- red, yellow, and blue. All other colors are created by mixing these primary colors.
The color wheel is a tool that is used to create color schemes. There are two types of color schemes- complementary and analogous.
Complementary color schemes use colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. These color schemes are high contrast and can be very striking.
Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. These color schemes are more subdued, and can create a sense of harmony.
Interior designers often use the color wheel to help them select colors that will work well together.
There are four basic properties of color- hue, value, saturation, and temperature.
Hue is the name of the color. Value is the lightness or darkness of the color. Saturation is the intensity of the color. Temperature is the warm or coolness of the color.